Negev and Arava - Travel Information

The Negev is a desert region, mostly in the form of a triangle with a sharp angle, The Negev covers 60% of the area of southern Israel. The Negev desert's landscape is interrupted from time to time by a green spot with a spring or a flowing stream.
Unlike other areas in Israel, the Negev's exact boundaries are unclear, since in some cases they are defined by very precise lines - eg the line delimiting the northern Negev is defined as a line where the average rainfall per year exceeding 300 mm.
The word "Negev" in the Bible is also a general mark of "South".

Hai Bar Wildlife Preserve
Hai-Bar Wildlife Preserve was founded in the beginning of the 70's to re-introduce wild animals that are mentioned in the Bible, and are now extinct or close to extinction. These animals reproduce, and some are released back to the wild where their ancestors used to live in the past.

Timna Park
Timna Park is actually a valley (the Valley of Timna), surrounded by steep mountains. The special Geology of the valley makes Timna Park unique for its rock formations, of which the Mushroom, Solomon's Pillars and Arch are specifically noted.

נחל צין
עין עבדת הוא מעיין הנובע כל השנה באפיקו של נחל צין שבנגב, סמוך לקיבוץ שדה בוקר. באזור בו נובע המעיין, נחל צין עובר בקניון צר ועמוק, החצוב בסלע הקירטון הלבן והרך המאפיין את האזור.

המכתש הגדול הוא תופעה יחודית לישראל. מרכז המכתש היה בעבר ראשו של הר, ושפתי המכתש פונות עדיין אל אותה נקודה דמיונית, שכיום כבר לא קיימת.